Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kinder and Grade 1 March 28-April 1, 2011

Sumi-e All of our Discovery School art classes have been practicing the art of Sumi-e painting. This unique Japanese art uses only four brush strokes to express all of the shapes and forms in the universe. It was built on the knowledge ancient Japanese scholars brought back from China. They developed an art form that reflects Japanese culture and philosophy. This art requires complete control of mind and brush. Because of this it is often used as a way for the artist to enter a peaceful, meditative or prayerful state. Our classes are practicing this art as a way of showing their respect and concern for the Japanese people. Works from each student will be put together in a scroll to be sent to the Japanese Embassy. This week Kindergarteners and Grade 1 students will learn the first brushstroke – Bamboo Leaf. They will learn the variations of the leaf and make bamboo stalks, lizards, butterflies and spiders. Parents are invited to observe and participate in this activity. Kinder A - March 30, ___ will meet in the art room next to the computer lab Kinder B - March 31, _____ will meet in Miss Vivian’s Preschool room. Grade 1 A Grade 1 B

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