Monday, December 13, 2010

Songfest 2010

DINNER AND SONGFEST - We would like to remind all parents that our annual Songfest will take place this coming Thursday December 16th. The DPTO will be selling Holiday food an hour before the student presentations, which will be starting promptly at 6:00 p.m. We invite all parents and students to come at 5:00 p.m. for supper, to catch up with friends, purchase the Choir CD and the Discovery School cookbook for holiday gifts, and enjoy the presentations our students have been working on. The program should last about one hour and thirty minutes. We hope to see you all there.

Nursery and PreK - Kindergarten and Grade 1 December 13-16

Ooblick! Everybody Loves Ooblick!

All of our youngest students will be experimenting with ooblick! It is a liquid and a solid. Equal parts of water and corn starch make a curious mix - you can pick it up and hold it but if you relax your hold it will ooze out between your fingers. Great sensory exercise for young fingers.